Gas pricing

Our gas distribution network prices are increasing 

From 1 October 2024, our gas charges will increase by an average of 9.1%. That's about 10c per day for residential customers. 

We own and maintain the network of mains, service pipes, regulator stations and other infrastructure that delivers gas to customers in Taranaki, Hawke’s Bay, Manawatū, Horowhenua, Hutt Valley, Porirua and Wellington. 

We continually invest in and maintain these assets to ensure we can continue to provide you with safe, reliable, resilient and future-ready gas. 


Your gas bill

You pay your retailer (the company that sends your gas bill) for the gas energy you use and about 32% of what you pay comes to us as gas distribution charges. The remaining 68% of your bill is made up of your retailer's charges, GST, transmission and other charges. The overall impact of this year's changes on your gas bill will depend on how your retailer chooses to structure the prices they charge you. 

We update our prices annually to reflect changes such as the number of customers in our service areas, and the costs of meeting your gas needs.  

Our prices are regulated by the Commerce Commission, with the 2024 increase covering the impacts of inflation levels and depreciation costs. 


The future of gas

We’re committed to enabling the sustainable energy transition. For gas, that means continuing to provide reliable natural gas for our customers, while we continue to work with industry to develop low and zero-carbon renewable alternatives that could be used in our gas networks in the future.  

We want households and businesses to continue to benefit from gas while contributing to a sustainable and resilient energy system. Find out more about the future of gas.


Got a question for us?

If you have any queries about our gas pricing you can contact us at

View our gas pricing schedule for 1 October 2024 - 30 September 2025.


You can view all of our gas disclosure documents here.