Powerco asking customers to reduce electricity load

Thursday, May 09, 2024

New Zealand is facing a potential shortfall of electricity supply between 7am – 9am tomorrow (10 May). 

Transpower is asking customers to assist with reducing the shortfall by limiting electricity usage where possible, for instance by: 

  • Delaying loads of washing or drying laundry
  • Unplugging electronic appliances
  • Delaying charging devices or EVs
  • Reducing heater temperature settings
  • Turning off heating and lights in unoccupied rooms

It is expected to be a cold morning so you should stay warm by continuing to heat the rooms are using. However, consider turning down the temperature slightly (1-2 degrees) during the times above.

Customers reliant on power for medical reasons are asked to ensure they have a backup plan in place and call 111 in an emergency.

In the event that Powerco is asked to reduce electricity load, information will be available on our website and Powerco’s Facebook page.

More information on national grid shortfalls and how Powerco responds to them is available here:

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